August 2024 |

August 2024

Energy, what art thou? According to prevailing scientific opinion, though we don’t know what energy is or why it exists and obeys certain laws, it suddenly appeared out of nothing—and then exploded in the Big Bang. This is a “once-upon-a-time” fairy tale that says that energy cane into existence compacted...Read more
TBC Today
Actual repentance (turning from sin) begins with a heart conviction quickened by the Holy Spirit of one’s sin, a mental recognition and assent that one is a sinner, and a revulsion to that sin—a revulsion that may never before have existed. —TBC "But go ye and learn what that meaneth,...Read more
Apples of Gold
“Do all speak with tongues?” asks Paul. The response is obviously that not all speak in tongues any more than all are workers of miracles, etc. But the false teaching that all do, and the attempt to get all to speak in tongues, has introduced much error and even occultism...Read more
Apples of Gold
Cambridge professor Sir Arthur Eddington described one of his lectures as an attempt to “dispel the feeling that in using the eye . . . of the soul [for] our conception of reality, we are doing something irrational and disobeying the leading of truth which as scientists we are pledged...Read more
TBC Today
In Matthew:22:23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, See All... — 33, we read of a group of Jewish religious leaders, the Sadducees, whose theology informed their understanding of Scripture rather than allowing Scripture to shed real light...Read more
TBC Today
Of more immediate help than a Bible college is to become part of a good Bible-based Christian fellowship where God’s Word is taught without compromise and where mature Christian men can disciple and pray with you. It should be a place where you can grow in and demonstrate the mature...Read more
Apples of Gold
Let us be wary of the soothing narrative that downplays the seriousness of growing antisemitism. The belief that Jew hate will diminish once the Israel -Hamas war concludes may be misguided. As I go about my daily life, antisemitism is still a thing of the past. Not so on college...Read more
TBC Today
Today, some are devoting the majority of their Sunday services to accommodating unbelievers. That is not the purpose of the church. It is one thing to have special evangelistic services to invite unbelievers to, but that is not a meeting of the church. —TBC "For when for the time ye...Read more
Apples of Gold
Atheists, especially the new aggressive breed, are so confident that they are right and theists are wrong that they have no con science about stonewalling and even silencing theists whenever and wherever possible. Con science ? What is that? How can con science , which has no physical qualities, be...Read more
TBC Today
Again, men tell us that our preaching should be positive and not negative, that we can preach the truth without attacking error. But if we follow that advice, we shall have to close our Bible and desert its teachings. The New Testament is a polemic book almost from beginning to...Read more
TBC Today
