September 2024 |

September 2024

While Al-Qaeda is not what it once was, it remains a strong terrorist organization with followers across the world, including those who seek to enter the U.S. and those already here plotting their next attack. This past year, Al-Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan has grown – growth that began following the...Read more
TBC Today
Those who understand that Jesus Christ wants to be Lord of their lives will place themselves under submission to His loving authority and in line with His purposes and ask to be filled with His Holy Spirit, leaving no opportunity for the enemy’s attacks to prosper. Full surrender to Jesus...Read more
Apples of Gold
Einstein declared that matter cannot arrange itself into information. Obviously, as Massimo Pigliucci, Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the State University of New York, points out, “crystals don’t really have a metabolism.” For that reason, they could play no part in the formation of life. Furthermore, as biophysicist and...Read more
TBC Today
Self-denial is not that we are to exist in a vacuum but is to be put in the context of pleasing my Creator. Thus, it is living to Him instead of to self. And in putting others first, I am doing so in order to be a channel of His...Read more
Apples of Gold
The message of this treasured epistle is just as clear and convicting today as it was to the early churches of Galatia: We are justified by grace through faith alone - not by works of the law. Join T. A. McMahon and radio guests (Greg Durel, Mike Gendron, and Jim...Read more
Galatians Verse by Verse
According to Ephesians:4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; See All... –13, there are five specific ministries given to the church “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of...Read more
Apples of Gold
A. G. Cairns-Smith and a few other evolutionists have proposed that life didn’t originate with either nucleic acids or proteins but that the “original replicators and catalyzing agents were actually crystals found everywhere in the clay that lay around the primitive Earth.” It was thought that crystals qualified because they...Read more
TBC Today
Some have the idea that we have the right to claim healing always from anything and that if one is sick, it’s due to sin and/or a lack of faith. This leads to “miracle” services where no miracles from God take place, but a lot of people get excited—and some...Read more
Apples of Gold
On our website: More about Entertainment: Free eBooks: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: ------- My guest for this series (we’ll probably do a number of programs) is Paul Wilkinson, and we are critiquing together a program which Hank Hanegraaff did with Dr...Read more
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Christ will continue to reveal Himself to us, and we will continue to reflect His character. As we do, whatever gift He wants to manifest through us for a particular occasion, or whatever way He wants to motivate, encourage, and fulfill us in spreading His love, or whatever gift He...Read more
Apples of Gold
