November 2024 |

November 2024

Yes, other cultures made valuable contributions such as the Arabic-Hindu number system and some advances in mathematics and engineering such as those used in building pyramids not only in Egypt but in South America, the South Sea Islands, and elsewhere. But these non-Christians “. . . did not discover the...Read more
TBC Today
Not only have we seen a dramatic increase in antisemitism in the US and Europe in the last couple of years but it is also reported that, " Over 2,400 anti-Christian hate crimes recorded across Europe in 2023 " This is not really surprising since Western culture has largely jettisoned...Read more
TBC Today
In fact, as has been pointed out by historians, not only were the founders of modern science Christians themselves, but it is no coincidence that they were all part of a Christian culture. Modern science would not have arisen in any other of the world’s cultures. That is why these...Read more
TBC Today
As the culture becomes more and more paganized, the realization of humans being created in the Imago Dei, the image of God, continues to dispute. Worship of the planet as our mother grows. The earth as our mother, is one of the centerpieces at The Parliament of the World's Religions...Read more
TBC Today
I’ve [read] about people around the world who are training at home during the physical-distancing orders. Even though they have not been allowed to leave their small apartments or homes, many have shown great creativity in coming up with ways to continue training. People are running marathons on their balconies,...Read more
TBC Today
It is amazing how the climate among scientists has swung radically to the side of atheism since acceptance of Darwin’s theory gathered momentum. Of course, this became Darwin’s basic motivation—and he was successful beyond his wildest hopes. This is particularly shocking when one considers that the vast majority of history’s...Read more
TBC Today
After UMC approves same-sex marriage, unrest breaks out in Liberian church Protests broke out on Sunday (Oct.13) at the New Georgia United Methodist Church in Monrovia over the suspension of the Rev. Leo Mason, the church’s senior pastor and an outspoken critic of same-sex marriage. The protests spread to other...Read more
TBC Today
The message of this treasured epistle is just as clear and convicting today as it was to the early churches of Galatia: We are justified by grace through faith alone - not by works of the law. Join T. A. McMahon and radio guests (Greg Durel, Mike Gendron, and Jim...Read more
Galatians Verse by Verse
At least Pigluicci is not as dogmatic as most of his colleagues. He does acknowledge that “special creation . . . although implausible . . . is still possible.” However, he says it need not be considered because “though the situation is messy, it is not that desperate.” Still firmly...Read more
TBC Today
On our website: More topics on our website: Free eBooks: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: On today’s program, we’re going to do something that is different from our usual interview programming, but actually not too different. It will still involve an interview,...Read more
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