November 2024 |

November 2024

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is our perfect example, and He knew no divided life. In the presence of His Father He lived on earth without strain from babyhood to His death on the cross. God accepted the offering of His total life and made no distinction between act and...Read more
TBC Today
Most Muslims in the world today are non-Arabs . It’s an ironic fact, given that Islam and Arab chauvinism are inseparable. Even though it’s not well-known, Islamic history paints a clear picture: Islam elevates Arabs over others. To see this, we have to go back to the 600s and the...Read more
TBC Today
Whatever sins you have ever committed, you didn’t have to but chose to. When you stand before God someday, you certainly won’t be able to excuse your actions either by saying, “I had to do it, because I was born a slave of sin,” or “The devil made me do...Read more
Apples of Gold
Of course, none of the “laws of physics and chemistry” provide any basis for life to spring from lifeless molecules, no matter how much atheists prefer to imagine that this is the case. In fact, these laws deal only with dead matter, from which life cannot possibly arise. Nevertheless, every...Read more
TBC Today
As to tests to determine your spiritual gift, exercise caution. A Berean who seeks to know the Lord and to reflect His character does not need manmade methods to grow in Christlikeness. “Beloved…we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as...Read more
Apples of Gold
The message of this treasured epistle is just as clear and convicting today as it was to the early churches of Galatia: We are justified by grace through faith alone - not by works of the law. Join T. A. McMahon and radio guests (Greg Durel, Mike Gendron, and Jim...Read more
Galatians Verse by Verse
“Extreme” Pentecostalism involves any forms of Pentecostalism that go beyond the clear teaching of Scripture—for example, the idea that speaking in tongues is the necessary sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit or even of being saved. That is not biblical, and it tends to lead into further error,...Read more
Apples of Gold
This passion to destroy all thought of God and all religion is widespread and growing. The theory of evolution has been adopted by scientists and nonscientists as one of the best means toward this end. Leading geneticist Francis Collins, a professing Christian who accepts evolution, says of the angry crusading...Read more
TBC Today
I have seen both positive and negative results in home churches. There is a danger of a strong personality dominating a home church and moving it into areas that appear cultic. On the other hand, I have seen groups who have been strengthened and encouraged by their experience. Peter wrote...Read more
Apples of Gold
On our website: More topics on our website: Free eBooks: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: The topic for this program – this is actually our second session speaking with Tommy Ice – and the topic is the timing of the Rapture of...Read more
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