January 2025 | thebereancall.org

January 2025

AT THIS VERY MOMENT, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other “believers” to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic, purpose-driven churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical “common good” to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease, and save the earth from...Read more
Temporal Delusion
Can you teach an old insect, or even a young insect for that matter, any tricks at all? Science long assumed that insects were too stupid to learn even simple things. However, researchers have now proven that insects can not only learn, they can generalize knowledge into long-term lessons for...Read more
TBC Today
Man has no demands that he can make upon God. We cannot demand that He save us. We cannot appeal to some right to be saved. Granted, we cannot come to Christ except the Father draw us. Yet we must consent, and that consent must be a genuine choice or...Read more
Apples of Gold
AT THIS VERY MOMENT, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other “believers” to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic, purpose-driven churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical “common good” to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease, and save the earth from...Read more
Temporal Delusion
The first words in the despised and perpetually attacked book, the Bible, just “happen” to be: “In the beginning. . . .” The Bible certainly got that right long before science reluctantly agreed. This is either a massive coincidence, or it alone would seem to be proof that this book...Read more
TBC Today
There are quite a number of occasions when the Lord exhibited awareness beyond human ability. Prior to his arrival at Bethany, He knew that Lazarus was dead. He foresaw the destruction and ruin of Jerusalem. He told Peter where a fish could be obtained that had a coin in its...Read more
Apples of Gold
God shows no partiality to people. Throughout the Scriptures we see examples of His graciousness to many who were not of the household of Israel . Ruth, Rahab, and Naaman are but a few examples. Jesus stated very clearly that when all is done with He would only have “one...Read more
Apples of Gold
This is the PDF (Printable) Version of the TBC January 2025 Newsletter. The LARGE PRINT version is also available by mail: Click here to order .Read more
Richard Dawkins admits that “Darwin’s answer to the question of the origin of species was . . . that species were descended from other species.” This is no answer at all! It’s a far cry from origin of species, as the title of Darwin’s first book promised, and as Dawkins...Read more
TBC Today
