January 2025 | thebereancall.org

January 2025

Kingdom. Power. Glory. Dominion. Delusion? AT THIS VERY MOMENT, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other “believers” to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic, purpose-driven churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical “common good” to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease,...Read more
Temporal Delusion
The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! [At the time of this writing] Christians around the world are remembering the resurrection of our Savior. If you are celebrating Easter in an English-speaking church (which is likely if you’re reading this blog), there is a good probability that you have...Read more
TBC Today
The perceived differences between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are mainly the result of the presumptions we bring to the Scriptures rather than a natural interpretation of the same. For example, we see God’s grace and mercy extended to Rahab and her...Read more
Apples of Gold
He will not forsake His faith in God because he knows there had to be a Creator. But if the facts should prove evolution to be true, he would be willing to say, “I guess that’s the way God chose to do it”—even though that would make no sense. Francis...Read more
TBC Today
In recent years, Iranians have launched countless uprisings, each filled with hope and courage, only to be met with violent repression from the regime, and mainly indifference from abroad. Each wave of protests saw the regime's security forces killing thousands of demonstrators, and imprisoning and torturing many more. These movements...Read more
TBC Today
The Bible is the unique revelation of God to mankind. It goes into great detail to support what it says, giving much evidence from prophecies fulfilled, from history, and from the accounts of eyewitnesses. It does not argue, however, nor support with further evidence, that which creation declares and makes...Read more
Apples of Gold
Kingdom. Power. Glory. Dominion. Delusion? AT THIS VERY MOMENT, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other “believers” to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic, purpose-driven churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical “common good” to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease,...Read more
Temporal Delusion
Excerpted from Beyond Seduction * by Dave Hunt How could the church be expected to establish the kingdom by taking over the world when even God cannot accomplish that without violating man’s freedom of choice? During His thousand-year reign, Christ will visibly rule the world in perfect righteousness from Jerusalem...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
