February 2025 | thebereancall.org

February 2025

As we continue to point out, it is one thing to speculate about the alleged evolution and natural selection of species once they exist. Literally thousands of volumes and scientific papers have been written on such conjecture. It is something else entirely to explain the origin of the energy out...Read more
TBC Today
It is not true that the gifts of the Spirit passed away with the days of the apostles or the completion of the Scriptures, etc. That view simply cannot be sustained from the New Testament, as A.W. Tozer said so forcefully. Yet the “-isms” that have come to represent the...Read more
Apples of Gold
On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/bible-better-tv-j-b-hixson-part-1 More topics on our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/topics Free eBooks: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social On this program and next week, the subject is the upcoming NBC special broadcast on Easter Sunday titled A.D.: The Bible Continues. It is a followup to...Read more
Search the Scriptures 24/7
Several years ago, a young pastor assumed leadership of his father’s church. The church was located in a large city with an increasing population and technological advancements. Feeling the pressure of his new position, the pastor prayed, “Lord, help me to be perceived as intelligent and wise to this fast-growing...Read more
TBC Today
The dog returns to his vomit because that's what dogs do. The sow returns to wallowing in the mire because that is what a hog does. Neither the dog nor the pig has had its nature changed. Neither has been "born again" or been changed into another species. The dog...Read more
Apples of Gold
Join Dave and Tom as they engage in an in-depth, verse-by-verse examination of the Gospel of John. We hope you will be challenged and convicted as you listen to these insightful, exegetical discussions compiled from nearly four years of Search the Scriptures Daily radio programs. Open your Bible and prepare...Read more
The Gospel of John
There are numerous books that defend evolution and natural selection. Their authors admit to many problems with these theories and propose many supposedly possible solutions but never give definitive answers with any degree of certainty. For example, in Stephen Jay Gould’s discussion of the alleged Cambrian explosion, theory after theory...Read more
TBC Today
Since the end of World War II, the Vatican has tried hard to make up for its centuries of attacks on the Jewish people, including the Crusades, the Inquisition, priest-incited pogroms, and theological claims that the Jews killed Jesus. The Vatican's complicity in genocide during World War II took the...Read more
TBC Today
Recently, many science news media outlets seemed to think that ‘fake news’ was OK when it denigrated the Bible. Researchers recently extracted DNA from skeletons, dated at around 3,750 years old and unearthed in Sidon, an ancient city inhabited by Canaanites at the time. When the DNA was compared to...Read more
TBC Today
Every believer needs regular Christian fellowship and should be accountable to the leadership in some church. We won't find the perfect church, so we must be willing to settle for something less than that. We shouldn't try to impose our burden upon them, but should go there for fellowship, prayer,...Read more
Apples of Gold
