Why Stay Away From The Book of Enoch?
CoffeeandChristshop.com, 10/1/23, “Why Stay Away from the Book of Enoch?” [Excerpts]: The Book of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew religious text that is not part of the biblical canon. It is a pseudepigraphal work, which means that it is falsely attributed to a famous author. In this case, the book is attributed to Enoch, who was the grandfather of Noah in the Bible.
The Book of Enoch was not included in the biblical canon for a number of reasons. First, it was not written by a prophet. Second, it contains some questionable content, such as the claim that angels slept with human women and gave birth to giants. Third, it was not widely accepted by early Christians…. The earliest Christian writings do not mention the Book of Enoch.
The Bible does not explicitly forbid the reading of the Book of Enoch. However, it warns against false teachers and doctrine (Matt:7:15-20 [15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
[16] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
[17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
[18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
[19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
[20] Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
See All...; 2 Pet:2:1-22 [1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
[2] And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
[3] And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
[4] For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
[5] And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
[6] And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;
[7] And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
[8] (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
[9] The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
[10] But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
[11] Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
[12] But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
[13] And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
[14] Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
[15] Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
[16] But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
[17] These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
[18] For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
[19] While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
[20] For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
[21] For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
[22] But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
See All...).
Ultimately, whether or not to read the Book of Enoch is up to each individual. If you are a Christian, you should weigh the arguments for and against reading the book and make a decision that aligns with your conscience.
Using Public Education to Transform America
MidwestOutreach.org, 10/3/24, “Using Public Education to Transform America” [Excerpts]: For a quarter of a century, we have been pointing out that the cultural transformation that was coming had begun in the 1930s with John Dewey. Dewey recognized that in order to transform America into a Marxist nation and embrace abortion and euthanasia, the public schools would have to be taken over and educate the students on these beliefs.
Now that it has effectively been accomplished, others are catching on to what has happened. In “America’s Current Schooling Catastrophes Were Set In Motion 100 Years Ago,” Tim Goeglein wrote:
“These radical changes also led to the dumbing down of the American populace, which is no longer equipped with the skills to determine truth from error or to be contributing members of society.”
The Marxism/Progressivism in our churches and public and private institutions is not by accident. It was engineered [by] those who rejected God and worked to replace Judeo/Christian ethics and morality. They have been pretty effective.
Does Pauli Exclusion Rescue Dino Protein?
ICR.org, 9/23/24, “Does Pauli Exclusion Rescue Dino Protein?” [Excerpts]:Perhaps no other fossil discoveries have rocked the world of paleontology more than original organics like proteins in old bones. ICR helps curate a list of mainstream science publications that describe what’s inside these fossils...The number exceeds 120, making the presence of proteins and similar finds an increasingly common occurrence.
Inevitable chemical reactions turn even the most resistant biological materials (or “biomaterials” for short) into dust in fewer than one million years under ideal conditions, whereas the fossils that contain them were supposedly deposited tens to hundreds of millions of years ago. Evolutionary workers strive to protect deep time from this chemistry. While the latest attempt describes how the front door to collagen longevity stands strong against destructive chemistry, it ignores a wide-open back door.
A key term in their report is the “Pauli Exclusion Principle.” This refers to the status of electrons in an atom or molecule. When more than one electron occupies the same orbital, or zone, one electron always differs from its partner in at least one aspect—usually its spin direction. When it comes to collagen, its collection of electrons comes pleasantly partnered, beautifully balanced, and, in short, too happy with themselves to want to react with outsiders.
Then came the conclusion, which far overstepped the worthy results. The study authors wrote, “This discovery has implications for the stability of collagen, which is replete with n→π* [contented electron] interactions and has remained intact for (at least) hundreds of millions of years, exceeding the half-life of a peptide bond by a millionfold or more.”
Two clear points surface from this report. First, when it comes to evolutionary time, circular reasoning once again substitutes for good science. Last, even with the Pauli Exclusion Principle to ensure that the middle of collagen molecules resists water chemistry, chemical reactions still take place at their measured rates—rates that exclude millions of years.