To its credit, the London-based tabloid newspaper The Daily Mail recently carried a story most corporate news outlets have been avoiding: The Indian Residential School Graves hoax.
The paper, whose article titles are characteristically long and descriptive, leaves little mystery in the scandalous story’s headline: “Nearly ONE HUNDRED churches across Canada have been torched or damaged after activists lied that 200 indigenous children were buried under Catholic schools.”
The report begins:
"Almost 100 Christian churches in Canada have been systematically targeted in apparent revenge attacks following a hoax about mass graves containing Native American children.
In 2021, a horrific story swept the internet as an indigenous group in Saskatchewan claimed to find 751 unmarked graves under the Marieval Indian Residential School, weeks after 215 children were supposedly discovered under another school in British Columbia.
"The schools were run by Christian churches—largely Catholic—and sought to eliminate their students’ Indigenous culture so they could ‘assimilate’ into Canadian society.
However, excavations carried out last year failed to turn up any evidence of bodies, and most experts concluded that claims of mass graves were exaggerated.”
The first announcement of an alleged mass grave came in May 2021 from leaders of the Tk’emlúps band in British Columbia, who believed they had discovered the remains of 215 Indigenous children. The following month, 751alleged grave sites, mostly of children, were located near a former school in the province of Saskatchewan by another Indigenous group.
A month later, the Penelakut Tribe of British Columbia claimed to have uncovered 160 more unmarked graves.
While the media indulged in a predictable anti-Christian feeding frenzy, left mostly unsaid in their reporting was that no graves had been physically unearthed. Rather, anomalies and disturbances in the soil had been detected with radar equipment and were merely assumed to be the graves of children.
It was in the aftermath of so much drama that the wave of anti-Christian violence began. As tallied by Rebel News journalist Drea Humphrey, at least 96 churches have been burned down or otherwise vandalized by radical activists in the years since. Bizarrely, many of the churches that were targeted were located on tribal lands and attended by Indigenous Canadians.