The Age of Dissimulation [Excerpts]
By Caroline B. Glick
Rather than discuss the nature and threat of Islamic supremacism, the Western media, Western political leaders and academics deny it --- and believing Christian and Jews are paying the price. Oh, and in case you haven't heard … according to the UN, the tomb in which the Jewish matriarch Rachel is buried is in actuality a mosque.
Years from now, when historians seek an overarching concept to define our times, they could do worse than refer to it as the Age of Dissimulation. Today our leading minds devote their energies and cognitive powers to figuring out new ways to hide reality from themselves and the general public.
Take U.S. President Barack Obama's senior counterterrorism advisor, for example. On Sunday, John Brennan spoke on Fox News about the latest attempted Islamic terrorist attack on American soil.
Since the Obama administration has barred U.S. officials from referring to terrorists as terrorists and effectively barred U.S. officials from acknowledging that Islamic terrorists are Muslims, Brennan simply referred to the Islamic terrorists in Yemen who tried to send bombs to synagogues in Chicago as "individuals."
Today, practically the only individuals willing to speak honestly about who Islamic supremacists are and what they want are the Islamic supremacists themselves.
For instance, in an interview [the week of October 25] with Reuters, the Islamic supremacist Hamas movement's "foreign minister" Mahmoud al- Zahar….made the case for Islamic feminism. As he put it, "We are the ones who respect women and honor women…not you. You use women as an animal. She has one husband and hundreds of thousands of boyfriends. You don't know who is the father of your sons, because of the way you respect women."
Finally, al-Zahar claimed that Westerners have no right to question Islam or criticize it. In his words, "Is it a crime to Islamize the people? I am a Muslim living here according to our tradition. Why should I live under your tradition? We understand you very well. You are poor people. Morally poor. Don't criticize us because of what we are."
Al-Zahar can sleep easy. The citizens of the West have rarely heard anyone in any positions of power and influence criticize Islamic supremacists "because of what they are."
In fact, the most remarkable thing about Al-Zahar's interview was not what he said but that Reuters decided to publish what he said. By letting its readers learn what al-Zahar thinks of them, Reuters inadvertently gave Westerners a glimpse at the simple truth its editors and their counterparts throughout the Western media routinely purge from coverage of current events.
Rather than discuss the nature and threat of Islamic supremacism, the Western media along with nearly all Western political leaders and academics deny and dissimulate. Rather than address the threat, they accept the Islamic line and blame Israel for everything bad that happens in the world.