Andy Stanley - Redefining Immorality? |

TBC Staff

In our 2023 article, "What’s Happening in the Church?"  we noted that Andy Stanley takes issue with adultery while affirming homosexuality and also "teaches “Gay Christians” More Faithful Than Straight Christians, We Must Learn From Them." More recently he has started the "Unconditional Conference." Alan Shlemon from Stand To Reason attended a conference to see for himself what is going on and being taught. He reports on it and how CNN is in turn, using the conference teachings to further advance the belief that sexual immorality is not condemned in Scripture. In "CNN Repeats Andy Stanley’s Conference Falsehoods" Shlemon writes:

“The first falsehood CNN repeats is that homosexuality and transgenderism are theologically neutral. The CNN article repeats a tagline from the conference: “In a world that makes us choose sides, experience a conference from the quieter middle.” This claim purports to suggest that there is a theologically neutral position on the morality of homosexual sex and satisfying transgender ideation. Greg McDonald emphasized this claim when he said at the conference, “We have no desire to change your theology.”

“But is there a middle ground on this topic? No. A basic law of logic is the law of excluded middle. It states that, for any proposition, either the proposition or its negation is true. In other words, a claim is only either true or false. Homosexual sex is sin or it’s not. I’ve argued that Scripture teaches that homosexual sex is sin. It’s possible I’m mistaken (though that would need to be argued and not just asserted), which would mean it’s not a sin. But there’s no middle ground. Someone is mistaken.

“This does not mean that people who disagree on the topic shouldn’t be gracious towards each other. I wholeheartedly support a kinder tone towards people who are on opposite sides of this issue. That’s very different, though, from claiming theological neutrality.”

The pressure by Progressives outside and inside the church is great. For a growing number of celebrity Christians, organizations and publications are increasing, and Andy Stanely, who disconnected from the Old Testament, seems to be one of the leading Pied Pipers in reimaging biblical teachings in general to help many in "Embracing the Journey" toward their sin of choice.”