Apples of Gold - December 14 |

Hunt, Dave

Paul declares, “the gospel which I preached…by which also ye are saved…” (1 Corinthians:15:1–4). But surely the gospel is not fully expressed there, to the Philippian jailor, to Nicodemus, the woman at the well, et al. The obvious and crucial point we must not overlook is that “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” must of necessity include who He is. To “preach Christ” can’t mean merely to say that someone called “Jesus Christ” died in our place! You cannot preach Christ without explaining who He is. In 1 Corinthians:15:1-4 the vital phrase is “according to the scriptures”—which surely includes all that the Scriptures say. How can we ask someone to believe in Jesus without explaining fully who the biblical Jesus is?

"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand."

1 Corinthians:15:1