It is a biblical principle that matters of testimony should be established by the mouths of two or three witnesses. According to Hebrew law, no person could be found guilty of an offense without properly attested evidence from witnesses, even though this law was put aside at the trial of Jesus.
When it comes to the Word of God, a similar principle is demonstrated from the modern science of archaeology. We are told in Psalm:85:11Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.
See All..., “Truth shall spring out of the earth,” and in Psalm:119:89(LAMED.) For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
See All..., “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.” God’s Word is sure. It outlasts human generations, and in His own time God vindicates its truth. This puts God’s Word in a unique category: it is the “other side” of the two-way communication pattern between God and man. Man’s speech distinguishes him uniquely from all the animals, and God’s written Word distinguishes His special communication to man as immeasurably superior to all other supposed revelations.
Those inspired men of old wrote down God’s message, applicable to themselves in their own times, and also applicable to men and women across the centuries, right down to the present century. The Bible is the “other side” of the Christian’s study of the miracle of language. It is God’s chosen way of revealing His thoughts--the deep things which are unsearchable except by the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
--Clifford Wilson, Australian Archaeologist