Dear Dave, T.A., et al.,
Thank you for your faithfulness in presenting the Scriptures so precisely and without equivocation over the years. We look forward to the newsletter eagerly every month. We take your CDs on our road trips, along with teachings of Bil and Scott Gallatin. So each retreat or vacation becomes a time of spiritual refreshing as well as mental and physical renewal. P&CL (GA)
I just got a website, and I put Dave on my links page—of course!...I was thinking about all the things that led me to do Bible studies for my friends, and then eventually to do a newsletter with studies and then a website. Well, Dave was the very first step. After I got saved, a friend gave me his newsletter. I didn't even know there was a whole world of ministries out there. I only knew about going to church, and my church was a mess. Dave helped me learn very quickly all the things that were not biblical, so when I studied, I could quickly weed out the false teaching and find stuff that was good. I found a good church and then started witnessing to people and then writing little studies to help my "babies" grow up! I am so thankful for TBC and I feel so much love and gratitude for Dave. KL (email)
Dear Friends,
I have just read Romans 10 again. Am I reading Scripture incorrectly? Faith comes by preaching to them that hear—are Calvinists so blinded that they cannot see this clear teaching? Dave, thanks for your teachings and books on Calvinism. It certainly opened my eyes. I used to be Dutch Reformed, battled with baptism for almost nine years and now fellowship in a Baptist community. Calvin-"ism" reminds me of what another brother in Christ...once said: "There are only two "isms" worthwhile: evangelism and baptism—all the others are mostly bad news (atheism, evolutionism, communism, etc.)." DB (South Africa)
Dear Dave and Tom,
I would like to express our appreciation for your sound biblical teaching and advice given in The Berean Call and in all of your ministries. The fact that you remain true and stand firm for the cause of Christ brings a great deal of encouragement to us missionaries. AB (email)
Dear Dave,
Just finished Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny. Thank You! Outstanding work! As a former Catholic (A Woman Rides The Beast), and as someone who lived for a time surrounded by Mormons (The God Makers) I really appreciate your work. I bought a case of Cosmos, still have three left and I am awaiting hints from Him as to who should get them. Thanks again. God Bless you, Dave Hunt. JL (email)
Dear TBC,
Glory and praise to the Savior. What a wonderful and blessed time we had [at the 2010 TBC Conference]! Each of the speakers was excellent and truly complemented one another. Thank you, Tom and Dave, for an excellent program. God's blessings on you and your staff. You will be in our prayers. D&DS (OR)
Dear Mr. Hunt and Staff,
I am an old preacher—have preached the Gospel for over sixty-five years. I am still doing itinerant preaching. I see the move away from sound Bible doctrine. I believe Jesus is coming soon. I deeply appreciate your stand for the truth and authority of God's Word. May God bless you and give you strength to continue. BD (Canada)
Dear Mr. Hunt,
I [have] followed your ministry on and off from the days of The Seduction of Christianity. In those days I was just starting to watch Christian TV...and I was so naïve that I thought every show that was carried on Christian TV was blessed by God. Then I heard out the apostasy of some of these people....I want to thank you...for not backing down on these impostors. Thank you for being a man and a ministry with integrity and one that will not compromise the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BW (MS)