Benny's Insights |

TBC Staff

[TBC: Benny Hinn’s “insights” have often been given without biblical support. Consequently, his revelations regarding angels and the eternal state of man continue this pattern.

The following excerpt of an interview of Hinn by Paul Crouch Sr. and Jr. is a word for word transcript of the May 3, 2010 TBN ( ). Thanks to Christian Research service for the transcript.]

Benny Hinn: And angels to this day can decide to rebel against God.

Paul Crouch, Jr.: Even now.

Benny Hinn: Even now!

Paul Crouch, Jr.: That was one of the questions, "Do angels have free will?"

Benny Hinn: Yes, they have free will. That's why a third of them chose to not serve God….

Benny Hinn: And may I add, this is, uh, this is something that is gonna cause a lot of questions: Why is Jesus gonna pray for you forever? If you're in heaven why does He need to pray for you?

Paul Crouch, Sr.: He maketh intercession for the saints?

Benny Hinn: Forever!

Paul Crouch, Sr.: According to the will of God.

Benny Hinn: But forever. Why forever?

Paul Crouch, Sr.: Why?

Benny Hinn: To keep us obedient.

Paul Crouch, Sr.: Cause?

Benny Hinn: We will have a free will in glory.

Paul Crouch, Sr.: Whoa!

Paul Crouch, Jr.: And could change our mind.

Benny Hinn: Exactly.

Paul Crouch, Sr.: Oh! Benny!

Paul Crouch, Jr.: Wow. Now that's heavy.

Paul Crouch, Sr.: I mean, I'm underwater right now.

Paul Crouch, Jr.: That's deep!

Benny Hinn: That is heavy! When you get to heaven, when you get to heaven, only His prayer will keep you there.

[TBC: Naturally enough, the Scriptures furnish another reason for why we shall "…ever be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians:4:17). “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1 Corinthians:15:52). Hinn’s insights directly imply that we will enter into heaven as unchanged humanity.]