A “100 Million Year Old Bird” Is Still a Bird [Excerpts]
Another Bird Fossil
The secular scientific community has announced the recent discovery by American and Chinese paleontologists of an alleged "100 million year old" missing avian link, possibly with soft tissue. Despite claims that Gansus yumenensis is "the missing link on the evolution of birds," all indications show it is in fact just a bird.
Creation Scientists are Ecstatic
Creation scientists are even more excited than their secular counterparts about recent bird fossils uncovered in the Xiagou Formation 1,200 miles west of Beijing. For not only are these fossils revealing 100% bird traits, but the tissue from some of these fossils is possibly still soft. Both of these physical manifestations are clearly within the creation model.
A recent CNN.com story says "the new fossils demonstrate that Gansus clearly is a bird . . . . the oldest example of the nearly modern birds, . . . .similar to loons or diving ducks" (CNN.com 2006). With such repeated graphic descriptions, there seems to be no reason to claim this bird is a "missing link." National Geographic.com crows that Gansus "is strikingly similar to today's birds, considering that it lived alongside dinosaurs" (Norris 2006). Indeed, a majority of evolutionists maintain birds evolved from dinosaurs and today, are dinosaurs: "So, in fact, birds are not some separate biological entity, distinct and apart from 'reptiles.' Birds are dinosaurs" (Fastovsky & Weishample 1996).
But this fossil discovery shows these birds "lived alongside dinosaurs" supporting not Darwinism, but the creation model that states dinosaurs have always been dinosaurs and birds have always been birds. According to creationism, finding the two groups together is natural and to be expected.