Cambodia bans door-to-door evangelism [Excerpts]
A new directive has been issued by the government in Cambodia that essentially eliminates Christian evangelism, according to a report from Voice of the Martyrs.
Sources told the Christian ministry that works to serve members of the persecuted church worldwide that the new directive from the state Ministry of Cults and Religions ordered that Christian groups no longer are allowed to visit door-to-door in Cambodia.
That, the government concluded, "disrupts society."
The directive also said the distribution of religious literature should be confined to church buildings, VOM said. And those church buildings, of course, can only be built with government approval.
Government officials told VOM sources that the ruling was aimed at reducing Christian evangelism throughout Cambodia, a primarily Buddhist nation.
"They can do any activity inside their institutions, but are not allowed to go door-to-door," Sun Kim Hun, a deputy minister of cult and religion, was quoted as saying.
Authorities said the limit will be applied to all non-Buddhist groups, but its target is the Christian community, which the government accused of participating in campaigns such as offering clothing, food or language lessons, and then introducing people to Christianity.
Reports said in addition to disrupting peoples' lives, such activities also "cause other insecurities."
[TBC: We must pray for our brethren in Cambodia, while noting that such things may very soon come our way. Above all, we should remember the example of the early church. "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name" (Acts:5:41And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.
See All...).]