Evangelical churches are currently the object of a massive campaign to sell them the video of Mel Gibson's THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. This "very Marian film" (according to Mel) is based upon the Catholic ritual of the Stations of the Cross as seen from the "perpetual Virgin Mary's" point of view.
It is being marketed to churches exclusively by Zondervan Publishers and Fox Home Entertainment, both of which are owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch (who also owns 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, Fox News, Fox TV Network). For his huge contributions to the Catholic Church ($10 million for a Cathedral) and the Holy See, Murdoch received a Papal Knighthood.
Shouldn't we take heed to the biblical warning of that false teachers would arise and "bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them….[and they will] make merchandise of you" (2 Pt 2:1,3)?