November 1
DAILY READINGS: 1 Chronicles 13-14; Ezekiel 14-15; John:5:1-23
...he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians:2:8
What do we have to be selfish or proud about? Nothing. This world’s priorities are upside down, but ours should not be. Our Lord was pleased to humble Himself to the point of death, even the death of the Cross. He endured infinitely more suffering and reproach than we will ever have to undergo. May our hearts be subdued and humbled in grateful worship today! —Mark Fenn
We gaze upon Thy meekness,
The manger and the cross;
We cling to Thee in weakness,
Through suffering, pain, and loss.
—J. N. Darby
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