Choice Gleanings |

December 26
DAILY READINGS: Esther 1; Zechariah 11; Revelation 18
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God... 1 John:3:1
A Christian writer said, “What happened at the manger wasn’t designed to put me in the ‘holiday mood’. It was intended to shake me to the roots of my soul.” Almighty God became human to identify with us. Think of it! Laid in a manger—a feeding trough. How fitting for the One who became the Manna from Heaven, the Bread of Life for sinners like you and I. Such a condescension is beyond our comprehension. But in wonder we worship Him who is our Saviour. —E. Dyck
O Saviour, as my eyes behold the wonders of Thy might untold,
The heav’ns in glorious light arrayed, the vast creation Thou hast made—
And yet to think Thou lovest me-my heart cries out, “How can it be?”
—Avis B. Christiansen
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