August 11
DAILY READINGS: 1 Samuel:17:32 to 18:5; Isaiah 58; Romans:4:1-22
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians:5:18
Contrary to what many think, we are not told to pray or ask for the Holy Spirit to fill us! Rather it is an instruction for me to obey. To understand what it means, Paul gives us the illustration of being drunk with wine. If I decide to imbibe wine and get drunk I have chosen to allow wine to completely control me. Instead of that, I must daily make the decision to allow the Holy Spirit to completely control my mind; my heart; my life, indeed my all. I am then “filled with the Spirit.” I may not realize it but others will see it is true and my consequent actions will bring glory to the Lord Jesus. —David Croudace
I need to be filled with the Spirit, each moment of every day,
I need to be filled in the morning, ere starting upon my way. —Habershon
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