August 30
DAILY READINGS: 2 Samuel 14; Zephaniah 2; Galatians 2
...this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. Exodus:3:15
A memorial is a way of keeping in memory an event or person. Many things can be a memorial. In this passage, Jehovah told Moses that His unchanging name was a memorial—surely a reminder of His eternal character and grace. How wonderful that in the New Testament we are told that where two or three are gathered unto His name, He will be there. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial feast—a monument raised to remember our Lord. May we enjoy His presence today! —K. C. Ung
See, the feast of love is spread, drink the wine, and break the bread;
Sweet memorials, till the Lord calls us round His heavenly board;
Some from earth, from glory some, severed only, "Till He come."
—E. H. Bickersteth, Jr.
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