October 6
DAILY READINGS: 2 Kings:6:1-23; Jeremiah 39-40; Hebrews:10:1-18
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above... James:1:17
A young man’s testimony told of using his first drugs at age 11. Drugs became a habit and led him to become a dealer. Before long, the law charged him with several felonies and he was incarcerated. Alone in his cell, he reflected on his failed marriage and loss of contact with his children. When a weekly Bible class was offered, he attended. The message of God’s love and forgiveness gripped him and he embraced Christ as his Saviour. He joyfully spoke of God’s many gifts to him. Now he serves the Lord in the New Life program at a rescue mission. Psalm:100:4 exhorts us to “be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” May we daily do so. —E. Dyck
Since Jesus came into my heart, floods of joy o’er my soul,
Like the sea billows roll, since Jesus came into my heart. —R. McDaniel
Posted with permission from gospelfolio.com.