Choice Gleanings |

October 8
DAILY READINGS: 2 Kings 8; Jeremiah:42:7 to 43:13; Hebrews:11:1-16
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground... Exodus:14:22
The Israelites weren’t spared the pursuit of the Egyptians—nor the dilemma of an impassible sea. To the brink of impossibility God led His people—not to destroy them, but to preserve them. As they walked through—God defeated their enemy and secured their salvation. Are you boxed in on all sides today? Are you seeing the impossible wherever you turn? Remember the God of the miraculous! The battle behind you and the sea before you are nothing for Him who commands armies and seas. He’s promised to make a way through for those who trust in Him. Trust Him today! —Deborah Manera
I’ll trust the Lord with all my heart, His promises are sure;
His grace divine, His tenderness, will evermore endure. —C. L. Shacklock
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