Choice Gleanings - April 19 |


April 19 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 26; Psalm 140-141; Mark:10:32-52

…Do this in remembrance of me. Luke:22:19

The Lord knows our forgetfulness, especially when it comes to gratefulness. The note we should have sent, the thanks we should have said, all because we forgot. So He gave us the symbols of bread and wine. They represent our Saviour in His essence—body given and blood shed on our behalf. Jesus death, burial and resurrection are at the centre of the heart of God. Though He can call upon all of nature to praise Him, none of these are as meaningful as a heart overflowing in love for His Son. Let us determine to be there, when it is time to remember Him. Lest we forget. —Charlie Tempest

Come let us sing the matchless worth,

And sweetly sound His glories forth.

Which in the Saviour shine. —Samuel Medley

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