Choice Gleanings - April 20 |


April 20 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 27; Psalms 142-143; Mark:11:1-26

…But the Lord was not in the wind… not in the earthquake… not in the fire. 1 Kings:19:11-12

This was not the first time that the wind, earthquake and fire were seen on Mount Horeb. Horeb, also known as Sinai, saw these same dramatics when God was dealing with Moses. This time, however, God was dealing in a different way, with a different servant, Elijah. While God may manifest Himself in a spectacular manner, most times He reveals Himself through the small things, the quiet things, the obscure things. It was truly what Elijah needed. The splash and the flash of each of these necessary displays were fine, but not for this time. Too often we crave the sensational. What we really need is the consistent, quiet, comforting assurance of God's presence. —N. C. Funston

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side

Leave to thy God to order and provide. —K. von Schlegel

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