Choice Gleanings - April 25 |


April 25 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Numbers 5; Proverbs 2; Mark:14:27-52

And Judah said unto Israel his father…I will be surety for him. Genesis:43:8-9

Then Judah came near. Genesis:44:18

 The sons of Jacob argued with their father over taking their youngest brother, Benjamin, down to Egypt. Reuben offered, “Slay my two sons if I don’t bring him back.” What good would that do, except reveal what a scoundrel Reuben was? They were at a deadlock. Then, Judah offered himself as surety. That made the difference. When the test came to make good on his offer we read, “Judah came near.”  As with Judah, so with his descendant, Messiah, our Saviour, who came near and offered Himself as our surety on the cross. —Rex Trogdon

Behold! A spotless victim dies, my surety on the tree;

The Lamb of God, the sacrifice. He gave Himself for me!

Author Unknown

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