November 25
DAILY READINGS: 2 Chronicles 23-24; Ezekiel 41; John:18:1-27
...And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts:2:47
The church is called Christ's body (Col:1:18). The intimacy expressed in that image is hard to fathom. We are intimately linked with Him. The foundation for the church was laid at Calvary. There our Lord settled the sin question and opened up the door to life in His body. The worship of the church begins at Calvary as well. There the Spirit of God has opened up our eyes and given us vision to see Calvary as the divine fulcrum, upon which rests the work of God from eternity past unto the endless reaches of the eternity that lies ahead. Have you been “added” to the church? —Vernon Markle
The Church’s one foundation, is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation; by water and the Word. —Samuel Stone
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