Choice Gleanings - February 8 |


February 8 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

DAILY READINGS: Gen. 46 to 47:27; Psalm 25; Matt:26:31-56

And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem…and brought it to David. 2 Samuel:23:15-16

It is good to respond when asked to perform some task or another, but the thing the Lord appreciates most, is when we anticipate His longings, and when, without command or request, we voluntarily offer our praise and thanksgiving to Him. May we follow the example of these three mighty men, and through our worship, minister to the longings of the Lord. —W. H. Burnett

In love my soul would bow, my heart fulfill its vow,
Some offering bring Thee now, something for Thee. —D. Phelps