Choice Gleanings - January 27 |


January 27 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

DAILY READINGS: Gen:33:18 to 34:31; Psalms 4-6; Matt:19:1-15

God waited in the days of Noah…eight souls were saved by water. 1 Peter:3:20

God waited for others to repent at the preaching of Noah. But when the day of judgment came, only eight souls were saved. But eight is the number of a new beginning, and so, from those eight souls, all the people on earth today are descended. God is longsuffering still, not willing that any should perish, but that all should enter into eternal life through Jesus Christ. As in the days of Noah, so now, few repent and believe the Gospel message. Nevertheless, God is creating a people for His name to inhabit a new place. The world of the ungodly will be cast away forever. Are you going to be counted with the likes of faithful Noah or with the old world? —Tom Steere

Death to the world we here avow, death to each fleshly lust;
Newness of life our calling now, a risen Lord our trust. —M. B. Peters