Choice Gleanings - January 30 |


January 30 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

DAILY READINGS: Gen. 37; Psalms 11-14; Matt:21:1-32

The runners passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, as far as Zebulun; but they laughed at them and mocked them. Nevertheless some from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles:30:10

The Jews experienced a great revival under Hezekiah. They confessed their sins, consecrated themselves to God and began to worship Him again. So joyful was the revival that some within the pagan northern tribes wanted to experience God’s glory, power and blessing too. May God revive our hearts. May the masses see Christ magnified within us and be drawn to Him too! —W. A. H.

Let it come, O Lord, we pray Thee, let the shower of blessing fall;
We are waiting, we are waiting, oh, revive the hearts of all. —J. Black