Choice Gleanings - March 14 |


March 14 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Exodus 31; Psalms 79-80; Acts:18:24 to 19:20

The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalm:19:1

God reveals Himself throughout this psalm. First, He speaks through the sky above (vv. 1-6). Then, He speaks through the Scriptures (vv. 7-11). Finally, we hear God speaking to the soul within (vv. 12-14). Can you see the growing intensity of God's voice, as He slowly reveals Himself? It all starts with the vast universe (even the etymology of the word “universe” suggests one voice or speech). The stars, the galaxies, the planets, these all speak clearly of God's plan, order, and design. Look above. Can you see Him speaking? —N. C. Funston

There's the wonder of springtime and harvest,

The sky, the stars, the sun;

But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul;

Is the wonder that's only begun. —George Beverly Shea

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