Choice Gleanings - March 28 |


March 28 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Leviticus:4:27 to 5:13; Psalm 104; Acts:27:1-26

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians:4:7

The moment a sinner trusts in the reconciling blood of Jesus Christ, they have made peace with God. By putting on the whole armour of God, this same one is guarded against evil and enjoys fellowship having the peace of God. Furthermore, they have obtained an inheritance; Jesus says in John:14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."  —E. MacLelland

O, that the world might hear Him speak,

The word of comfort that men seek;

To all the lowly and unto the meek,

Jesus whispers peace. —D. M. W.

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