Choice Gleanings - May 27 |


May 27 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Deuteronomy 5; Ecclesiastes 7; Luke:8:1-21

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians:4:6

Are you worried today? Maybe your job situation is uncertain. Perhaps you have family problems. Maybe your health is poor. Pray! Do you remember how as a little child when hurt or afraid you ran to your mother or father for comfort. Embraced in their arms and surrounded by their love, you felt safe and happy. So we should run to our heavenly Father in prayer and be embraced by His almighty arms. And be thankful! As you dwell upon all of your blessings your perspective will change. Do not worry. Pray. —Donald L. Norbie

God has given you His promise. That He hears and answers prayer.

He will heed your supplication. If you cast on Him your care.

— Mary Bernstecher

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