Is Christian Education Still Christian? |

TBC Staff

The question seems an odd one to some I am sure. In the early part of the 20th Century Christian parents began abandoning the colleges and universities due to the growth of liberalism and Marxism with the walls of those institutions. The Bible college movement began in earnest which would provide higher education and better solidify their understanding of the Christian faith. In the 21st Century we now have to ask the question can the Bible colleges and seminaries be trusted? Theology Mom offers, "6 Ways to Find Out What Your Child’s Christian University is Actually Teaching" Her suggestions are helpful but may also require parents to up their theological understanding. For example:

1. Watch the university’s chapel services. 

You probably only need to watch the services from this fall term. That will likely give you some insights into the messaging that the university is sending to the students in light of the current racial unrest.

Here are a couple of recent chapel messages from Biola University as examples. While these speakers don’t explicitly broadcast, “Hey, this is Liberation Theology," they do introduce students to some of the major contours and terminology of the framework under the banner of “love for neighbor.” This kind of messaging conditions unsuspecting students to frameworks that have the potential to cause them to drift out of historic Christianity and into deep theological errors. Undergraduate students simply do not have the theological sophistication that's needed to engage in the level of discernment required to sift through these rather complex ideas.

The parent pursuing this would also need to understand the terms and definitions which false teachers are using. That is often not the case until their child is already in the midst of being conditioned to accept false teaching. This is also true in Christian high schools and Christian homeschooling. I am currently helping parents to Christian high schools who have received a wakeup call. In one situation the parents discovered their Christian academy one of the teachers was teaching the Enneagram to some of its students. We have provided information and there is ongoing discussion with the leadership to resolve this. In another Christian academy Critical Race Theory is being promoted by at least one instructor and a number of parents are now aware and confronting the issue. Just because our kids are not in secular schools doesn't mean they are safe. Parents are required to do their due diligence and keep their educators accountable.