Get Religion post, "For media exploration: Does church decline underlie what's depressing many Americans?" In light of the decline in church attendance (primarily in more liberal churches it seems), the question again arises, what is next once Christianity's influence is marginalized? Richard Osting draws from Matt Lewis at the Daily Beast who also voices concerns:
“Lewis contends that "the decline of church membership will not lead us to some better, more rational, world. Lacking the moral clarity that comes from a belief that our fellow humans are all made in His [God's] image, politics eventually becomes about tribal identity and the will to power."
“With a Gallup Poll showing Americans who report church membership have slipped below 50%, Lewis concludes, ‘If you're applauding this, you shouldn't be. This milestone should concern anyone who cares about preserving liberal democracy, civility and comity’.”
We and others like Carl Teichrib, Dr. Peter Jones, and others have been writing on this for quite a long time. What we saw coming has come to fruition in the past 18 months and others are beginning to notice. In "SJW [Social Justice Warrior] Seeks Trans Übermensch," David Azerrad outlines the new religious faith, one which has only a faint shadow of Christ and no possibility of salvation, at least for the melanin challenged. He describes a world lacking in biblical guidance, creating substitute morality with a Puritanical zeal:
“If only the transgender agenda were limited to indignation! The woke are not just demanding that transsexuals’ chosen identity be recognized, but also that the state pay for their sex changes, that little boys who think they are little girls be prescribed hormone blockers, and that transgenderism be celebrated in museums, textbooks, and movies across the land. Those who question whether someone with a Y chromosome can be a woman must also be fired and punished by the law. Hate speech, we are told, should be criminalized.”
Moral absolutism does not do full justice to the phenomenon. Puritans do not need fallen men to recognize their virtue and faith in Christ. Ultimately, the woke mindset combines pathetic insecurity—the gnawing feeling that these cooked-up identities are nonsensical and that certain ways of life are shameful—with an authoritarian urge to silence dissent.
The task of the local church is to guard and train the flock. Unless the Lord returns, we will have rough days ahead and oddly atheists and secularists are beginning to defend and turn to the church for answers and direction. Will the church, which is the Body of Christ, rise to the occasion?