In "What's the Church of England Apologizing for Now?", Chris Queen writes:
“A report by something called the Oversight Group has declared that the Church should say sorry publicly, not just for profiting from the evils of slavery (through investment in the South Sea Company) but for ‘seeking to destroy diverse African traditional religious belief systems,’” writes William Moore at the Spectator. “And having apologised, it recommends the Church ‘reach beyond theological institutions’ and ‘enable all Africans to discover the varied belief systems and spiritual practices of their forbears and their efficacy.’”
"In other words, the Oversight Group wants to say that converting thousands of Africans to faith in Jesus is wrong and that Africans should stick to their traditional religions. This committee of a major Christian denomination wants to apologize for sharing the gospel.”
This is little different than Brian McLaren and others in "Progressive Christianity" are saying on this side of the pond. We have seen churches abandon the faith but most at least give the pretense of affirming the gospel although it is redefined. I don't recall an entire denomination considering apologizing and repenting for proclaiming the gospel and proposing to help culture return to paganism.