“The only justification for living is to find a need and fill it” seems to have been cited in print for the first time in 1935. A portion, "Find a need and fill it," has become a business mantra. A new one is now in operation, invent a crisis, and mandate the Federal Government to fix it. How much will it cost? If it doesn't matter, taxpayers in Western culture will be saddled with the bill, and the deal makers in the back rooms of Congress with grab the newly confiscated largess and enslave foreign countries. Slavery, it seems, is quite alright, I cannot recall a climate activist speaking out against actual modern-day slavery. Vijay Jayaraj begins his article, "The Left’s Climate Imperialism”:
Last October [2022], the U.S. climate envoy John Kerry suggested that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) should abandon some oil blocks that it had put up for auction. However, for the people of the DRC—some of the poorest in the world—this could mean more years of pollution and ill health from dirty cooking fuels such as charcoal. Welcome to 21st-century climate imperialism in Africa.
A prominent form of modern slavery is climate imperialism, or eco-colonialism, wherein restrictive energy policies conceived and promoted by politicians in Western economies are forced on some of the world’s poorest. Though branded as environmentally friendly, these outlandish policies deny economic growth to those who most need it in Africa’s poorest countries.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is trying to resist John Kerry and "the pressures of climate imperialism," but will they be able to break the chains of the Left's Climate Change slave masters?
[TBC: As Dave Hunt wrote in the July 1997 newsletter, "With the end of the Cold War easing the threat of all-out nuclear battle, attention shifted to reversing the pollution that threatens us everywhere. Surprisingly, the ecological movement has become more religion than science. Thomas Berry of Fordham University calls man's ecological responsibility "preeminently a religious and spiritual task." The 1990 Global Forum held in Moscow, with delegates from 83 countries, called for "a global council of spiritual leaders" and the "creation of an inter-faith prayer...a new spiritual and ethical basis for human activities on Earth.”
See: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/greening-cross for further information.]