[TBC: In a short article promoting his upcoming book (The End of Christianity), Professor William Dembski (research professor in philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary), puts his finger on a compromise which many Christian intellectuals fall into. They are swayed by who supports an idea rather than simply on the merit or lack of the same of an idea.]
Dinesh D’Souza as an example of why so many Christian intellectuals accept evolution
With my new book coming out shortly and with the publisher positioning it as a counterblast to the neo-atheist literature, I’m boning up on that literature as well as on the responses to it. Dinesh D’Souza’s response has much to commend it, but he drops the ball on evolution….
“I am not a biologist, but what impresses me is that virtually every biologist in the world accepts the theory of evolution. While the debate goes on, it seems improbable that the small group of intelligent design advocates is right and the entire community of biologists is wrong. Consider what two leading Christian biologists say about evolution. Kenneth Miller writes, ‘Evolution is as much a fact as anyting we know in science,’ and Theodosius Dobzhansky famously said, ‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.’ ”
Unfortunately, much of the Christian intellectual world (from Christianity Today to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities) is willing to sign off on evolution for just such reasons.