Counterfeit Marriage [Excerpts]
Just recently, we have seen the federal Department of Health and Human Services trample the religious freedom of Catholic hospitals by ordering them to dispense contraceptives despite the church's moral opposition. If they think this is a bridge too far, wait until same-sex "marriage" is imposed and bureaucrats begin to flex their enforcement muscles.
Georgetown University Law Prof. Chai Feldblum, whom President Obama appointed to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is one of the more honest gay activists.
Feldblum writes that when it comes to civil rights, "we are in a zero-sum game: a gain for one side necessarily entails a corresponding loss for the other side."
I once asked Ms. Feldblum at a seminar if it bothered her that a Christian club would be thrown off a college campus for not having gay leaders or others who reject basic Christian doctrine. She shrugged, smiled and said, "Gays win, Christians lose." I did admire her candor.
As an example of the legal vise about to close around Christian businesses, Ms. Feldblum has warned that bed-and-breakfast owners would not be free to deny rooms to homosexual couples (or to unmarried couples) regardless of the owners' belief that they would be aiding and abetting what their faith teaches is sin.
Although Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and other proponents of the same-sex marriage law tout exemptions for religious institutions, the bill offers no defense for devout employees or those who run businesses, and exemptions can always be overturned later.