The Cowboy Lasso Mold |

TBC Staff - EN

The Cowboy Lasso Mold

“Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?” (Ezekiel:18:23).

Did you know that there is a mold that captures and eats animals? Those scientists who reject evolution in favor of creation often stress that there are no simple forms of life. Each kind of life is both specialized and very complex. While evolutionary scientists try to arrange living things from simple to complex, creation scientists ask them to let us know when they finally find a “simple” form of life.

At first glance, mold would seem to be a simple form of life. It doesn’t sing, dance or write plays. But neither do a lot of people. However, mold – like every other life form – is still perfectly suited for its needs.

Several forms of mold actually capture and eat animals – in this case, a small worm known as a nematode. Some molds grow sticky knobs that trap the worms. But one, known as the “cowboy lasso” mold, grows tiny loops or lassos. Should an unwary worm try to crawl through the loop, the loop swells shut, strangling the nematode. The worm is then digested at the mold’s leisure. This is much too complex and specialized for a “simple mold” to have engineered. It is too filled with purpose to be the result of purposeless natural laws.

God does not operate without purpose - not when He created mold, nor when He deals with us. His most earnest desire is for a relationship with you and me through Jesus Christ.