Even without a calendar, we can always tell when we are close to the celebration of the resurrection. How? Media goes in search of a Jesus other than the one of history. Released in 2022, "Creating Christ Documentary: A Conspiracy of Roman Elites" has made it to Amazon Prime. Does it make a credible case? Anthony Sacramone at Acton Institute doesn't think so and explains why in "Creating Christ: Challenging Christian Origins" The plot line is fairly simple. Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus invented Christianity to control the Jews better and planted a spy by the name of Paul to challenge James. Plausible? Sacramone's reaction is interesting:
"I have to admit that I found the film absolutely riveting, even astounding. The revelations that poured forth, one after the other, rocked me back on my heels, like a succession of electric shocks.
"You see, God in his providential care had allowed me to live long enough finally to see, after all these years, after countless hours gawking at the Big Screen…
"…the single dumbest movie ever made.”
This is no small feat. I mean, there are some pretty dumb movies to choose from, like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and JFK. But they’re dumb on purpose. They’re fun dumb. I mean, if you pay money to see Santa Claus [beat up] space aliens, you shouldn’t expect something that rivals Bridge on the River Kwai.
Will some who really don't want to believe try to use this as a valid refutation of Christianity? Probably. The questions Sacramone asks and answers are more than sufficient to use in response.