"It's obvious that creationism is in exact agreement with the two laws. In fact, a creationist would predict these laws directly from the assumptions and principles of creationism. That is, one would expect the Creator to impose a principle of conservation upon His perfect creation in order to preserve its basic nature. One would also expect a second principle of qualitative change and variation to supplement the basic principle of quantitative stability. Any such changes could be only horizontal (within limits) or downward, since all organized structures were created perfect and could not be improved. These laws--especially the second--would also serve the purpose of testifying to the necessity of primeval supernatural creation by a transcendent Creator, as discussed above. In a widely used textbook on thermodynamics, two eminent scientists conclude their discussion of these philosophical implications as follows: 'We see the second law of thermodynamics as a description of the prior and continuing work of a creator, who also holds the key to our future destiny and that of the universe' (Gordon J. Van Wylen and Richard E. Sonntag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics [New York: Wiley, 1982] p. 237. The senior author of this treatise was, at the time of writing, Dean of Engineering at the University of Michigan).
It should be crystal clear that, at least as far as the universe as a whole is concerned, the basic laws of science constitute an irrefutable evidence that it was created supernaturally by a transcendent and omnipotent Creator." Excerpted from The God Who is Real by Henry Morris, p. 62.