The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) asserts that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914. Why invisibly? Well, you can't see him, can you? The LDS Church asserts there were great battles between the "Lamanites" and the "Nephites," but there is no trace of the battles, cities, or the people. Why believe it? Because the leader asserts the truthfulness of their claims. No evidence is necessary. This is one of the hallmarks of cults. Matt Walsh of What is a Woman asserts that Trangenderism is a cult:
“When I call the trans movement a cult, I mean it in a literal sense. It functions exactly like a cult. It uses all of the same indoctrination techniques. It picks out a vulnerable target, isolates the target from his family, love-bombs with excessive validation and flattery, demands progressively more extreme displays of fidelity to the cause, and viciously ostracizes and attacks anyone who leaves. This is all Cult 101 stuff. Trangenderism is one of the largest and most dangerous cults in world history.”
He is not wrong in this assertion. There is no evidence that supports the claims and assertions of the so-called transgender movement. But, those involved follow the same practices and behaviors of nearly every cult we know of. It is a new religious movement; more than that, it is the religion of the Federal Government, and any deemed heretics will be canceled and punished.