Question: After reading A Woman Rides the Beast, especially the chapter about Pope Pius XII and his treatment of the Jews during WWII, I began to see articles about how Pope Pius actually helped the Jews. [Are you reconsidering what you wrote?] |

TBC Staff

Question: After reading A Woman Rides the Beast, especially the chapter about Pope Pius XII and his treatment of the Jews during WWII, I began to see articles about how Pope Pius actually helped the Jews. Today, I read the enclosed article on the internet website, World Net Daily, and am wondering if you are reconsidering what you wrote about the Pope or if you still hold to your original findings? I believe you are concerned for the truth, as I am.

Response: Unfortunately the article you enclosed gives no facts but only tells of certain persons who claimed that the Pope saved many Jews. Catholic apologists for the Pope have been searching for many years to find proof that he did indeed oppose Hitler and worked to rescue Jews. We know he never spoke out openly. His defenders insist that he worked behind the scenes. Yet no record of such has been found in all the Nazi archives, and the Vatican archives are “closed.” If there were proof in the Vatican files they would long ago have brought that forth—but nothing has been revealed. Nowhere do we find evidence of the Pope using his office to pressure Hitler into stopping the Holocaust. We know the Pope was not bashful and could speak out when he so desired. The Nazi archives have yielded his letter to Hitler in 1939, astonishingly flattering in view of the fact that Hitler’s intention to exterminate the Jews had been clearly stated and persecution had begun. The American archives yielded the Pope’s June 22, 1943 letter to President Roosevelt in which, with the smoke of incinerated Jews hanging over Europe, he argued against allowing the Jews into “Palestine”—in direct opposition to hundreds of promises from God recorded in Scripture that He would bring Israel back into the land He gave her! (See TBC, Sep. ’99, for both letters.)

I have dealt with this subject a number of times in our newsletter. In the Index to TBC Reprints for the last 15 years you will find more than a dozen references to Pope Pius XII. I’ve seen no evidence to cause me to change what I’ve already written. You may want to read TBC on this subject again.