Tom Utley wrote that his wife’s work with a pro-life campaign group is seen as akin to being racist – despite her views being shared by many worldwide.
But he said such work is valuable, particularly at a time when abortion is accepted almost without question in the UK.
Writing in the Daily Mail, Utley described how dinner table conversations grind to a halt when his wife says she works for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC).
“A frisson of embarrassment tends to grip the company, putting a dampener on the whole evening, as if she had confessed to working for the Ku Klux Klan."
He was writing in the wake of a local council banning pro-lifers from outside an abortion centre.
While the newspaper columnist said he could “understand the thinking behind the council’s order”, he said the advocates for the unborn are far from the “dangerous fanatics” they are sometimes portrayed to be.
Instead they “see it as their mission to show kindness to women who may be having doubts and to offer them practical help with alternatives — whether financial support, within their limited resources, or advice on putting babies up for adoption”.