Doctors Admit They Don’t Know Which Kids Should Gender Transition But Do It To Them Anyway |

A 13-year-old seventh grade girl committed suicide just before the Memorial Day holiday weekend. When the Alabama youth was halfway through sixth grade, she publicly identified as a boy, “Jay,” with the support of family and school. In addition to gender identity struggles, Jay’s mother says Jay battled depression and anxiety. “We were under the care of a psychologist from day one,” she says in an interview….

The LGBTQ lobby tell parents they must support and affirm their child’s transgender journey to prevent the child from attempting suicide. As this tragic case demonstrates, however, it’s an open question whether supporting a child’s gender switch adds stress rather than reducing it. In this case, the parents fully affirmed and supported her gender transition, yet tragically, depression led to suicide.

Children are encouraged, affirmed and assisted in “coming out” as transgendered without one word about the consequences of the dangerous game of “gender make-believe.” Today, the politically correct response expected from adults, especially parents, is to affirm the child in the desired gender. But affirmation gives young people false hope that they can really become a different gender. It’s a lie—a lie told with compassionate motives, but a lie nonetheless. Lying is not compassion.

First of all, we need to stop pretending that doctors have scientific backing for their recommendations for children with gender dysphoria. The truth is that no one can predict whether a gender dysphoric child will feel the same way years later.

Kristina Olson, a research psychologist at the University of Washington, puts it this way: “We just don’t have definitive data one way or another.” That’s why Olson is leading a study of 300 trans children that will track outcomes over 20 years, “to be able to, hopefully, answer which children should or should not transition,” she said. In other words, we simply don’t know right now, yet parents and children are herded in one direction as if we do.

Some young people desire to identify as the opposite sex to escape the pain of a traumatic event or a perceived abandonment or loss. They subconsciously want to dissociate from who they are and become someone else. Gender change promises a fresh start, free from the past. Like many psychological coping mechanisms, however, gender change provides only a temporary reprieve.

Some teens or pre-teens today want to identify as the other gender for social reasons or to become the center of attention. Younger children can simply be curious about the opposite gender. This doesn’t mean adults should encourage experimentation.

For those who look on from afar and see the explosion of young people playing the game of “select-a-gender” remember: 45 percent of them will attempt suicide. Why? Because this emerging group of young gender changers are suffering from emotional, psychological, or social identity discomfort far deeper than new pronouns can rectify.

Doctors admit they do not know which children will remain gender dysphoric into adulthood, yet they condone gender identity change, socially and medically, for youth. This is child abuse. I can tell you that from my own life. It’s child abuse to tell a child he or she can select a gender. It is a false hope. Such a suggestion is factually a lie, not a lie with the innocence of pretending the tooth fairy exists, but a lie with life-long destructive ramifications.

[TBC: According to Genesis:5:2, "Male and female created he them; and blessed them..." Any tampering with the design of God forsakes the blessing. Consequently, the error and abuse which has resulted was a natural consequence of man's "better idea."]