Falling Away | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

What constitutes the “falling away” of which the Bible prophesies? Does it mean the

loss of orthodoxy or the lessening of religion? Obviously, that was not true in the case of Solomon; he did not retract his counsel nor cease to be religious. He just ceased to apply what God had taught him. He demonstrated more tolerance for freedom of religion, even to the point of participation. He exercised less resistance to the incursion of the enemy’s devices and increasingly less sensitivity to conscience. Corruption starts at the core. The label doesn’t change; the outward appearance remains the same. But the motives change. Selfless worship of the LORD because He is worthy gradually changes to become an exercise that entertains me or makes me feel good about myself. Self begins to replace true worship of a holy God.

--Dick York (Missionary, missionary trainer, conference speaker, founder of Shield of Faith Mission International)