Question: It seems to me that you [have a bad attitude about Calvinism and] are being hypocritical...or at least inconsistent. Is this reflective of McMahon’s taking the helm of the ministry, or is he just following Dave Hunt’s lead in this? |

TBC Staff

Question: You seem to have a bad attitude regarding Calvinism, yet I noticed that you also minister with Calvinists and offer resource materials written by Calvinists. It seems to me that you are being hypocritical or at least inconsistent. Is this reflective of McMahon’s taking the helm of the ministry, or is he just following Dave Hunt’s lead in this?

Response: Anyone who has read Dave Hunt’s classic What Love Is This?, published by TBC, would have a very good idea regarding the ministry’s stance on the doctrines of Calvinism. We base our stand on the Bible, and therefore we do not offer materials that promote Calvinism. On the other hand, we do offer resource materials produced by some who hold to certain aspects of Calvinism and who may prefer not to be called Calvinists even though they hold such beliefs personally. Our involvement with them has to do with their specific ministries, which we believe are edifying and valuable to the body of Christ, the content of which has nothing to do with Calvinism. All of this is consistent with the position held by Dave, who, although he had significant differences with the beliefs of Calvinism, nevertheless spoke at conferences with Calvinists and supported some of them personally. He considered many of those to be brothers and sisters in Christ as well as good friends.