Following the Wrong Christ |

TBC Staff - EN

It goes without saying that the original Worldwide Church of God has impacted the lives of countless human beings around the world in many countries. The same can be said for many other church organizations. The common denominator for all these groups is that the "head" of all such groups is NOT Jesus Christ, but human beings who usurp the place of Jesus Christ in the lives of the people. The name of God, or the name of Jesus Christ, or the name of Jehovah, or other names that people associate with God, are always used as the source and "legitimacy" of these cults.

The great common error that millions of human beings make in life, is in following self-appointed "spiritual" leaders, who proclaim "authority" from heaven. It often results in such great disillusionment, that many turn from God altogether and become bitter atheists, while some even commit suicide, and many others go to their grave never knowing the freedom from spiritual bondage, that Jesus Christ proclaimed (Luke:4:18). It is a mystery of life as to why so many human beings are seduced by deception and yield their lives to magnetic personalities that rob them of the real truth in Jesus Christ.

--Van Robison (former follower of Herbert W. Armstrong, the false prophet and founder of the Worldwide Church of God)